Since the beginning of my career as a Marketeer, I have always been driven by an intense passion for communication and human connection. I've worked in areas as diverse as Media, Entertainment, NGOs and Telecommunications, but it was with a postgraduate degree in Management of Social Organizations that my journey in Coaching began to gain more depth.
In 2013, I became certified in Coaching, and since then I've never stopped, founding INSIGHTOUT.
I am the CEO of InsightOut, as well as the Country Manager of the Activision Coaching Institute for the PALOP, a Coaching School with over 20 years of history in Portugal. I am a PCC Coach accredited by the ICF and a Senior Practitioner by EMCC Global, with other certifications in Mindfulness MBSR, Micro Expressions and Body Language, NLP Practitioner and Emotional Agility. I am Founding Partner and General Secretary of EMCC in Portugal, where I actively contribute to the development and credibility of professional coaching/mentoring. I co-presented the first certified EMCC Mentoring course in Portugal. I've had the honor of co-authoring books such as ICF's “Coaching - Going Further Inside” and “The Power of Mentoring”, as well as creating a card game to facilitate deep conversations and launching a podcast on how to “Challenge Talent”.
Over the last few years, I've developed solid, trusting interpersonal relationships with a diverse range of clients. I strongly believe that success comes from collaborative work, which is why I'm extremely proud of my team, InsightOut - a true pool of talent and diversity.
My journey is guided by values such as authenticity, courage, empathy and results orientation, always with a focus on people. I'm constantly on the lookout for new ways to make a difference, and I believe that together we are stronger.