Coaching Skills
Insight Out > Company Training > Coaching Skills


  • Coaching Skill training, from the top to management level;
  • To create a Competency Center that contributes to perpetuate and disseminate good coaching practices to everyone (amplify "Leader-Coach" practices);
It is only possible to implement a Coaching model, with lasting effects, if, besides the acquisition of the Coaching Skills, it's rooted in a intervention transformational dimension, with impact both in the personal and professional, and susceptible of infecting the entire company, thus creating a "positive contagion".


A Leaders challenge is to promote and inspire a purposeful culture, by creating highly committed, autonomous, motivated and high performance teams. This is the main goal of the Coaching Skills program.

Coaching Skills

The success and longevity of any business project is closely related to it's Vision and Leadership style. The perception of what makes it a reality is also born at the top. Therefore, it's continuity and maintenance is in the hands of the Partners, Managers and all the leaders that are present in its organic structure.

Coaching Skills will reinforce the need to consolidate an approach, integrates with "leadership" practices and "coaching", more harmonized between the top and its middle management and, transversally, contribute to reach a greater harmony when it comes to "group culture"


Presential and/or Online


Taylor made to our client


We have several options


On request


On request

Coaching Skills

The success and longevity of any business project is closely related to it's Vision and Leadership style. The perception of what makes it a reality is also born at the top. Therefore, it's continuity and maintenance is in the hands of the Partners, Managers and all the leaders that are present in its organic structure.

Coaching Skills will reinforce the need to consolidate an approach, integrates with "leadership" practices and "coaching", more harmonized between the top and its middle management and, transversally, contribute to reach a greater harmony when it comes to "group culture"


  • Coaching Skill training, from the top to management level;
  • To create a Competency Center that contributes to perpetuate and disseminate good coaching practices to everyone (amplify "Leader-Coach" practices);
It is only possible to implement a Coaching model, with lasting effects, if, besides the acquisition of the Coaching Skills, it's rooted in a intervention transformational dimension, with impact both in the personal and professional, and susceptible of infecting the entire company, thus creating a "positive contagion".


A Leaders challenge is to promote and inspire a purposeful culture, by creating highly committed, autonomous, motivated and high performance teams. This is the main goal of the Coaching Skills program.


Presential and/or Online


Taylor made to our client


We have several options


On request


On request

Ready for the next level?

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InsightOut is a company that specializes in Training, Coaching and Mentoring excellence.
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