How to Develop Resilience
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  • Gaining awareness of the impact of change

  • Learning to develop resilience in accordance with each person's profile


Before the program, all participants will take an online assessment (DISC) that allows them to get to know their points of greater sensitivity to stress and to distance. The program will be mostly practical, full of exercises and totally adapted to the results of each person assessment. It will have the following structure:
  • The psychological implications of living a Pandemic

  • Identifying and dealing with toxic Thought Patterns

  • Improve the management of emotions
  • Developing Psychological Safety

  • Developing Flow states (high performance) in complex and changing environments

How to Develop Resilience

We live times of great demands, with never before faced challenges.

Cooperating at a distance, working in the same space you live in, dealing with new tools that are increasingly more digital, developing new habits to protect our health and that of others, creating new solutions more in tune with times of social distancing, all this represents an additional pressure that many may not feel capacitated to overcome. That is why it's so important to ensure everyone develops their resilience.


Presential and/or Online




Miguel Figueiredo


On request


On request

How to Develop Resilience

We live times of great demands, with never before faced challenges.

Cooperating at a distance, working in the same space you live in, dealing with new tools that are increasingly more digital, developing new habits to protect our health and that of others, creating new solutions more in tune with times of social distancing, all this represents an additional pressure that many may not feel capacitated to overcome. That is why it's so important to ensure everyone develops their resilience.


  • Gaining awareness of the impact of change

  • Learning to develop resilience in accordance with each person's profile


Before the program, all participants will take an online assessment (DISC) that allows them to get to know their points of greater sensitivity to stress and to distance. The program will be mostly practical, full of exercises and totally adapted to the results of each person assessment. It will have the following structure:
  • The psychological implications of living a Pandemic

  • Identifying and dealing with toxic Thought Patterns

  • Improve the management of emotions
  • Developing Psychological Safety

  • Developing Flow states (high performance) in complex and changing environments


Presential and/or Online




Miguel Figueiredo


On request


On request

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