Does your team work as a real team? Are they truly cooperative? Does each one give their very best?
Strengthening the group - make fast decisions - not being afraid to take a chance.
We live in an ever more impredicatble world, where leaders need to make real time decisions, based on very little information and without the opportunity to benchmark. Therefore, they must be creative in the search for possibilities and fast in chosing the course of action. In other words, they must improvise.
Training in theatre improvisation improves the way a team communicates amongst itself, helpeing leaders, managers and executives to negotiate and conduct projects, presentations and challenges daily, by connecting with the other and with the selfs availability to relate in group settings.
Recently, the professional contexts outside of the theatre began to realise the importance of the so called "collaborative dinamics", how they stimulate creativity and strengthen the group. Thus, Improvisation golden rule, the "Yes, And..." became in an interesting tool for all, even those that have nothing to do with theatre. A lawyer, a doctor, a sportsman, they become stronger if they learn how to improvise.
What our clients say:
Trainers efficacy in responding to questions: 98%
Knowledge of the topics: 97%
Contribution for the increase of knowledge: 95%
Usefulness para the job performance: 93%
Training in it's whole (content/trainer/relevance) has a very positive evaluation for all participants and it's 100% reccomended to other employees
Strengthening the group - make fast decisions - not being afraid to take a chance.
We live in an ever more impredicatble world, where leaders need to make real time decisions, based on very little information and without the opportunity to benchmark. Therefore, they must be creative in the search for possibilities and fast in chosing the course of action. In other words, they must improvise.
Training in theatre improvisation improves the way a team communicates amongst itself, helpeing leaders, managers and executives to negotiate and conduct projects, presentations and challenges daily, by connecting with the other and with the selfs availability to relate in group settings.
Recently, the professional contexts outside of the theatre began to realise the importance of the so called "collaborative dinamics", how they stimulate creativity and strengthen the group. Thus, Improvisation golden rule, the "Yes, And..." became in an interesting tool for all, even those that have nothing to do with theatre. A lawyer, a doctor, a sportsman, they become stronger if they learn how to improvise.
What our clients say:
Trainers efficacy in responding to questions: 98%
Knowledge of the topics: 97%
Contribution for the increase of knowledge: 95%
Usefulness para the job performance: 93%
Training in it's whole (content/trainer/relevance) has a very positive evaluation for all participants and it's 100% reccomended to other employees
Does your team work as a real team? Are they truly cooperative? Does each one give their very best?
Do you feel that each of your team members has a potential that has yet to be tapped into?
Wouldn't you prefer that everyone was able to achieve as much as they can?
Do you need to make your presentations more inspiring, to better engage your audience, to strike the right balance between passing on information while also guiding action?
Increasing your company's ROI inevitably means ensuring the well-being and happiness of its employees. This is not a belief. It is science.