Pitch to Win
Insight Out > Company Training > Pitch to Win


  • Understand your customer’s needs: Read and understand your potential customer to figure out what they really need
  • Adjust your communication style: Adapt your communication style so that it moves your target audience.
  • Read your customer's reactions: Instantly grasp your customer’s reaction so you can immediately deal with any objections before they kill your pitch.
  • Build better relationships: Quickly gain customer confidence and respect so that they give you 100% of their attention.
  • Manage energy levels: Ensure that you are at your best and that the customer is fully committed to listening to you during the pitch.
  • Overcoming your subconscious: Learn to identify irrational cognitive biases, ensuring they work for you and not against you.


Prior to the program, all participants will take an online assessment to find out about their natural communication style. The program will have the following structure:

  • The importance of identifying the decision maker
    • How the brain works and the decision-making process
    • Learn to read nonverbal communication clues
    • Learn to recognize and adopt the customer's preferred communication style
  • The importance of knowing how to sell at three levels
    • Quickly building trust and respect
    • Mood management
    • Optimizing message delivery
  • Knowing and making use of customers' behavioural expectations
  • How to ensure you are always at your best at Pitch Time

Knowledge areas worked during the workshop:

  • Behavioural science
  • Motivational Science
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Body language and micro-expressions
  • Neurolinguistic Programming

Pitch to Win

Increase the odds of reaching a "yes".

All of us, whether we work in sales or not, spend much of our professional lives in pitch mode, whether it's to sell a product, sell an idea, or get approval for a particular action. And as we know, decision-making processes are always influenced by a number of factors that go far beyond pure, objective rationality.

What if, when you are making a pitch, you could adapt what you say and how you say it, because you would have "behind the scenes" access and could better understand the impact you are having on the decision maker?


Presential and/or Online


2 days (8h x2)


We have several options


On request


On request

Pitch to Win

Increase the odds of reaching a "yes".

All of us, whether we work in sales or not, spend much of our professional lives in pitch mode, whether it's to sell a product, sell an idea, or get approval for a particular action. And as we know, decision-making processes are always influenced by a number of factors that go far beyond pure, objective rationality.

What if, when you are making a pitch, you could adapt what you say and how you say it, because you would have "behind the scenes" access and could better understand the impact you are having on the decision maker?


  • Understand your customer’s needs: Read and understand your potential customer to figure out what they really need
  • Adjust your communication style: Adapt your communication style so that it moves your target audience.
  • Read your customer's reactions: Instantly grasp your customer’s reaction so you can immediately deal with any objections before they kill your pitch.
  • Build better relationships: Quickly gain customer confidence and respect so that they give you 100% of their attention.
  • Manage energy levels: Ensure that you are at your best and that the customer is fully committed to listening to you during the pitch.
  • Overcoming your subconscious: Learn to identify irrational cognitive biases, ensuring they work for you and not against you.


Prior to the program, all participants will take an online assessment to find out about their natural communication style. The program will have the following structure:

  • The importance of identifying the decision maker
    • How the brain works and the decision-making process
    • Learn to read nonverbal communication clues
    • Learn to recognize and adopt the customer's preferred communication style
  • The importance of knowing how to sell at three levels
    • Quickly building trust and respect
    • Mood management
    • Optimizing message delivery
  • Knowing and making use of customers' behavioural expectations
  • How to ensure you are always at your best at Pitch Time

Knowledge areas worked during the workshop:

  • Behavioural science
  • Motivational Science
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Body language and micro-expressions
  • Neurolinguistic Programming


Presential and/or Online


2 days (8h x2)


We have several options


On request


On request

Ready for the next level?

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