Insight Out > Experiences


We offer several experiences that promote personal development, team union and trust, as well as the development of several skills.

LEGO Serious Play

The LEGO Serious Play method is not about making people agree with decisions already made, it is about creating knowledge to solve problems.


To think via visual creations broadens the possibility scopes and allows new insights beyond the concrete and objective, making visible previously unspoken aspects and leading to deeper meanings, where everything connects with everything.


Strengthening the group - make fast decisions - not being afraid to take a change

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)

To understand the importance of Mindfulness in stress reduction and your emotional development, as well as it's daily application.

We Can Do It

This is one of the most incredible challenges of self-transcendence - and also one of the most effective.

Energy Dance

Have you ever thought why we say we need to move in order to solve a problem?


To walk on glass may seem impossible, one of those insurmountable but it's on the decision to walk that resides it huge transformational potential.


What separates us from our ability to achieve?

InsightOut is a company that specializes in Training, Coaching and Mentoring excellence.
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