To walk on glass may seem impossible, one of those insurmountable but it's on the decision to walk that resides it huge transformational potential.
To walk on glass may seem impossible, one of those insurmountable obstacles but it's on the decision to walk that resides its huge transformational potential.
The secret is the complete focus in the process. As in the most demanding personal and professional challenges, this exercise leads us to high concentration levels. It's very important that we can be totally "inside" the developing action by eliminating distraction.
GlassWalking is a process that will allow us to leave old beliefs, reassess values and free the mind of the secondary via the power of concentration. We'll bring to the present moment all our ability to overcome and leave behind all the fears.
To walk on glass may seem impossible, one of those insurmountable obstacles but it's on the decision to walk that resides its huge transformational potential.
The secret is the complete focus in the process. As in the most demanding personal and professional challenges, this exercise leads us to high concentration levels. It's very important that we can be totally "inside" the developing action by eliminating distraction.
GlassWalking is a process that will allow us to leave old beliefs, reassess values and free the mind of the secondary via the power of concentration. We'll bring to the present moment all our ability to overcome and leave behind all the fears.
To walk on glass may seem impossible, one of those insurmountable but it's on the decision to walk that resides it huge transformational potential.
Have you ever thought why we say we need to move in order to solve a problem?
This is one of the most incredible challenges of self-transcendence - and also one of the most effective.
To understand the importance of Mindfulness in stress reduction and your emotional development, as well as it's daily application.