LEGO Serious Play
Insight Out > Company Training > LEGO Serious Play


1 - Stimulate the construction of new knowledge on a given challenge/topic of the organization;         2 - Foster the ability to assign a meaning and a narrative to the model created;                                       3 - Encourage the group to accept a new perspective on the same issue, without relying on the principle that everyone has to agree with each other but from the collective construction of a new vision on the object of analysis. It is about bringing out and clarifying ideas.


Phase 1 - Defining the Challenge
  • To help participants formulate the company/business challenge ensuring its understanding by all, regardless of areas and/or functions.
Phase 2 - Building the Model
  • Participants will individually create a lego model that represents their thoughts and solutions to the company/business challenge.
 Phase 3 - Sharing the Meanings
  • With the collaboration of the moderator, participants will share the meanings and stories that underpin the model created.
Phase 4 - Reflection on insights - Collective Model
  • Together, participants will reflect on insights from individual models and will be challenged to create a new collective model.

LEGO Serious Play

The LEGO SERIOUS PLAY® (LSP) method is a technique that promotes thinking, communication and problem solving in organizations, teams and individuals.

It is based on extensive research in business, organizational development, psychology and learning.

This methodology is based on the power of "hand knowledge". Our hands are connected to 70/80 percent of our brain cells. Our brain is limited in the amount of information it can consciously handle at one time, the so-called working memory. But with the help of all the neural connections in our hands, we "know" much more at any given time than we think we know.



Presential                                                           Nº of participants per facilitator: 14 pax


4h or 8h


Ana Côrte-Real


On request


On request

LEGO Serious Play

The LEGO SERIOUS PLAY® (LSP) method is a technique that promotes thinking, communication and problem solving in organizations, teams and individuals.

It is based on extensive research in business, organizational development, psychology and learning.

This methodology is based on the power of "hand knowledge". Our hands are connected to 70/80 percent of our brain cells. Our brain is limited in the amount of information it can consciously handle at one time, the so-called working memory. But with the help of all the neural connections in our hands, we "know" much more at any given time than we think we know.



1 - Stimulate the construction of new knowledge on a given challenge/topic of the organization;         2 - Foster the ability to assign a meaning and a narrative to the model created;                                       3 - Encourage the group to accept a new perspective on the same issue, without relying on the principle that everyone has to agree with each other but from the collective construction of a new vision on the object of analysis. It is about bringing out and clarifying ideas.


Phase 1 - Defining the Challenge
  • To help participants formulate the company/business challenge ensuring its understanding by all, regardless of areas and/or functions.
Phase 2 - Building the Model
  • Participants will individually create a lego model that represents their thoughts and solutions to the company/business challenge.
 Phase 3 - Sharing the Meanings
  • With the collaboration of the moderator, participants will share the meanings and stories that underpin the model created.
Phase 4 - Reflection on insights - Collective Model
  • Together, participants will reflect on insights from individual models and will be challenged to create a new collective model.


Presential                                                           Nº of participants per facilitator: 14 pax


4h or 8h


Ana Côrte-Real


On request


On request

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LEGO Serious Play

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